About Corinne Namblard


Corinne Namblard is a Chief Executive Officer, a NonExecutive Director and an Advisor. Over the years, she has developed profound expertise in infrastructure and financial markets, specializing in financial engineering and funding large and complex projects, as well as dedicated infrastructure funds.

Corinne Namblard has a dual citizenship: French by birth, and Canadian after living and working in Canada for 6 years. Corinne also holds permanent residency in Australia. Born in Hamburg, Germany, Corinne has a multicultural background further enhanced by the international executive and NED experience she has gathered while working in the United States  andCanada, as well as in Europe, Australia and Asia..

BNP: Start of International Financial Career

Corinne Namblard holds a Master’s degree and PhD in Political Science from the University of Paris X Nanterre. After obtaining a Master’s equivalence at Middlebury College, USA, Corinne pursued doctoral studies at Harvard Kennedy School of Government in Boston, right before completing the Executive Management Program at HEC CPA in Paris, France.

Corinne Namblard began her career at BNP, where she spent 16 years fulfilling various roles and international postings. In 1981, her first executive position took her to New York, where she was in charge of capital markets activities, leading BNP’s Financial Representative Office. Between 1984 and 1990, Corinne managed investment banking activities in Canada. Between 1991 and 1997, as Senior Vice-President of Transport and Infrastructure, she led the Advisory Team within BNP’s Project Finance Department, operating from London and Paris.

EGIS:  More Expertise on Infrastructure and Operations

Between 1997 and 2000, Corinne Namblard worked for Egis, a leading French and international operator and engineering firm, as the Head of Strategy and Development. She implemented a number of M&A transactions and set up various Operational JVs for rail, port and airport activities within the Group. At the request of the Managing Director of Caisse des dépôts et consignations, she joined the French Prime Minister’s Working Groupdedicated to PPP Best Practices, aiming to set up France’s PPP Task Force and design the country’s PPP legal and institutional frameworks.

From 2000 Onwards: Chief Executive and Non-Executive Director Roles

In 2000, Corinne Namblard became the Chief Executive Officer of the Galaxy Fund in Luxemburg. She designed the structure and governance of the fund and raised 300 million euros from leading European institutional investors for this private equity fund dedicated to transport infrastructure. With her team, she successfully managed and divested a portfolio of assets until she stepped down from her role in 2010.

During Corinne’s tenure, the Galaxy Fund’s  capacity to identify and design sophisticated financial engineering funding startegies and business plans was recognized by the company’s market peers. Their strategiesultimately generated high returns for Galaxy’s shareholders upon divestment.

An expert inactively managing portfolios of assets, Corinne Namblard sat ona number of the investee companies boards, including Flinders Ports in Australia, Exeter Regional Airport  in the UK and Siena Airport in Italy.

In 2011, Corinne Namblard moved to Australia upon joining the Qantas Airways’ Board and Audit & Finance Committee. She was also  invited to join other listed companies, foundations and university council boards, as well as the Economic Development Board at the invitation of the Premier of South Australia. In 2014, she was  nominated one of South Australia’s Most Influential Women in Business and Finance

Later  in 2014, Corinne Namblard established INFRA & P.E Conseil in France and INFRA & P.E Advisory in Australia that provide strategic advice on structuring and funding large and small infrastructure projects or dedicated infrastructure funds.

Advisory Mandates: A passion for Public Private Partnerships

Throughout her entire career, Corinne Namblard has acted as an advisor to both public and private sector stakeholders and policy makers.

More recently,   board member of the Economic Development Board, she has been leading the Infrastructure Task Force and advising the Premier of South Australia on the opportunity to integrate potential economic benefits of regional infrastructure development when considering a new deep seaport dedicated to mineral ressources and agriculture exports. She also acted as a rail infrastructure expert to the Tri-Partite High Speed Rail Commission in Canada in relation to the HSR Toronto to Quebec Project. A similar advisory mandate took Corinne to Taiwan for the Taiwanese HSR Project.

Corinne was also a part of an appointed team of 10 PPP experts who worked for the French Prime Minister’s Office on setting up the French PPP Task Force as well as designing its institutional and legal framework.

Representative for France – Government of South Australia

Corinne Nambard - South Australia
Corinne Nambard at the reception for the launch of the South Australian Office in France, September 12.

In may 2017, Corinne Namblard is appointed Representative for France for the South Australian French office. These office will be focusing on developing opportunities between both countries and will coordinate initiatives that strengthen business ties with France to foster trade, investment and jobcreation.

Speaking Engagements

Corinne Namblard at the UNECE.


Corinne Namblard is a well known guest speaker at international Infrastructure Conferences. She alsospoke on behalf of the UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) in Geneva, Canada and the United States, as well as at high-level intra-govermental meetings concerning PPP related-matters in Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Croatia and Serbia While in Australia, Corinne was invited to be a guest speaker at the National Property Council, FINSIA and the Australian Institute for Company Directors.